Our ethical production is fundamental to the integrity of our bags and we are proud to be leading the market with our standards. We believe retailers and suppliers should take responsibility for improving the working conditions of the people involved in making their products.
Jutexpo have a commitment to ethical trade and adopt a strict code oflabour practice, thus addressing issues like wages, working hours, health and safety. Jutexpo's facilities have annual independent audits at our factories to ensure the ethical standards are meeting the ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) Base Code - the worldwide standard for ethical production
For the third year in a row Jutexpo have been awarded a Grade A, the highest grade achievable, for consumer products accreditation from the BRC Global Standards Award. In addition to the BRC audit, we are also audited to the SEDEX ethical Standard. This is the market leading audit standard, used by many of the largest retailers globally. The use of SEDEX allows retailers access to our audits and current audit status, maintaining an open, honest and transparent practice.
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Contact Us
Jutexpo Ltd Head Office,
Lauriston Business and Technology Park,
Pitchill, Salford Priors, Evesham
WR11 8SN
Tel: +44 (0) 1386 834777